Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dumpster Diving Coffee Table

I was driving down the street and happened to glance over and see this sad sad coffee table sitting next to a dumpster.  I did a U-turn in the middle of the street and headed that way. When I got there, I could see that it had good bones, but just needed some TLC.  Up and into my truck it went( I love my truck!). 

 I started by stripping off all of the paint first, then grabbed some tape and stain.  

Then the fun part!  I had recently saw another table on Road Kill Rescue that I absolutely adored and decided to pattern my table after hers.  Stenciling is sooo easy.  FYI, next time I will take a little more time and center my patterns.
 Stenciling done, added a couple of coats of poly. 
 Finished product!


  1. SO pretty!!! I've never tried stenciling, but you've just inspired me to give it a try! I love how you did the legs in a different color. - Desiree

  2. ... or after looking more closely, maybe the legs are metal? either way, I really like the contrast. :)

    1. Hi Desiree, the legs are actually a metal. They had this ugly gold paint on them. I took some stripper to it, then took my sander to them. It gave them some awesome detail...The stenciling was so easy, I will definately do it again.
