Monday, June 10, 2013


     I haven't been on here in a couple of months, and how I have missed it.  I started a new job, my laptop crashed, life got in the way....all the excuses in the  Well, Im back.  I recently went to visit a very close friend of mine, and found inspiration again to write.  I went to Virginia and didnt want to come back home,  I wanted to stay forever with him in Virginia and build a life.  I cried at the airport, cried on the plane, and cried on the drive home.  I fell in love with him and Virginia all at the same time.  He is a wonderful and talented photographer who takes the normal and makes it beautiful(me included). He finds the light in darkness and makes the sun shine when it is raining. Virginia was so beautiful, with it lush green trees and vines.  I could close my eyes and imagine the history that had trampled the wet, damp leaves.....the stories that  the old houses with columns would tell if they could talk. 
     There was a little corner antique/consignment store that was on the corner by his house.  I want to have a shop like that.  Where you can wander around for hours, looking at all the neat old pieces that have been distressed, getting ideas for new projects(I took, wondering how much it would cost me to start a business like this.  Colorado might have consignment stores, but Virginia has the history to back it up.  We talked about different props for his photography studio, how this would look or that.  Being with someone that understands you, and appreciates your thoughts and ideas, is so refreshing......When you can be yourself, you can be anyone, do can live.

     I have attached a couple of the pics that he took of me while I was out there.....he captured something in me that I thought was long gone and



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